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Riding the wave of momentum for tidal power

Νοε 04, 2013 09:39

Capitalising on a successful EU-funded project to exploit tidal currents, European researchers are helping to commercialise the newly developed technology. The tidal energy sector has huge potential for growth and the possibility for reducing carbon emissions.

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Fuel cell removes pollution to produce electricity

Νοε 04, 2013 09:38

Contamination of the aquatic environment by heavy metals and organic compounds can pose a threat to ecosystems and human health. An EU-funded initiative has developed technology that deals with pollution control as well as bioenergy production.

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Effects of phytosterol consumption

Νοε 04, 2013 09:37

High cholesterol levels can lead to adverse health effects. Investigators have investigated if some dietary supplements from plants used for lowering cholesterol levels may have other effects on human health.

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Protein engineering using ancestral reconstruction techniques

Νοε 04, 2013 09:35

Most people associate ancestors with their great-grandparents and family lineage. However, and not surprisingly, given the nature of evolution, the molecular ancestors of our proteins often reside in other species.

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