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Epigenetic regulator complexes in health and disease

Νοε 07, 2013 22:36

Epigenetic regulator complexes — nucleosome remodelling and deacetylation (NuRD) complex and Polycomb repressive complexes (PRCs) — are involved in cell fate decisions of embryonic stem cells (ESCs). These complexes are also implicated in the development of cancer stem cells, such as in leukaemia.

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Focus on the social and human dimension of foreign policymaking

Νοε 07, 2013 22:35

With the support of EU funding, a European Coordination and Support Action strengthened the basis for area studies related to policy development for Asia.

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Role of microRNAs in cognitive disorders

Νοε 07, 2013 22:34

The EU-funded NEURO-MIR-NETWORKS project will investigate microRNA (miRNA or miR) function in neuronal development and intellectual disability (ID), also known as known as mental retardation.

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Optimising machinery control in harsh environments

Νοε 07, 2013 22:33

Controlling the movements of machinery in extreme conditions currently relies on satellite technology designed for benign conditions. Scientists are developing a high precision and resilient machine control system to fill the gap.

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