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Inhibiting microRNAs for targeted drug therapy

Νοε 07, 2013 22:48

Regulators of gene transcription and protein expression have immense potential in targeted drug therapy applications. Scientists developed potent inhibitors of a molecule in one class of regulators that plays a role in numerous disease processes.

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Nanotoxicology - safety analysis for nanomaterials

Νοε 07, 2013 22:47

Nanotechnology is a relatively new field but its rapid growth has made nanomaterials ubiquitous. Young scientists are receiving multidisciplinary training in nanotoxicology to address related public and environmental health issues.

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Novel sensor to optimise processing of dairy products

Νοε 07, 2013 22:46

Milk contains whey proteins that become denatured on heat treatment, thereby altering its functional properties, moisture content and texture. If functional properties are detected, this could optimise decision making as well as product quality with regard to selecting cheese or yoghurt for manufacture from milk.

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Fostering the right image in medicine

Νοε 07, 2013 22:45

Medical imaging is becoming increasingly important, although how the images are stored and retrieved makes utilising them a real challenge. An EU–China network is building up the capacity of researchers to overcome this hurdle.

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