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Building eco-friendly straw homes - panel by panel

Νοε 07, 2013 23:02

The EU-funded project EUROCELL ('EU market development of ModCell: a prefabricated eco-building system utilising renewable materials') is paving the way to using straw bale as a building material, employing a method pioneered at the University of Bath in the UK.

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Enhancing communication across multilingual Europe

Νοε 07, 2013 23:01

With rapid globalisation and the need for communication across multiple languages, attention is increasingly being focused on the development of supporting tools and applications. A group of EU-funded researchers is working to contribute to advances in this area that will ultimately help people communicate more effectively.

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Upping hydrogen fuel production in Europe

Νοε 07, 2013 23:00

Hydrogen (H2) fuel is widely considered as the transport fuel of the future, but current H2 liquefaction technology lacks the necessary capacity and infrastructure to meet rising demands. Researchers are developing a cost-effective, large-scale liquid H2 production strategy that will make hydrogen fuel a viable alternative to carbon-based fuel sources.

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Public participation in nuclear waste management

Νοε 07, 2013 22:59

An EU-funded project enhanced the quality of the decision-making process in nuclear waste management through clarity, awareness, fairness and trust by using 'safe spaces'. The initiative also demonstrated how to organise safe spaces in national programmes and examined how this approach could be used in a multinational context.

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