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Building a high-capacity, faster mobile internet for everyone

Νοε 15, 2013 20:51

Almost one in four Europeans used mobile phones to access the internet in 2012, according to EUROSTAT, the EU's statistical service. Today's mobile broadband networks allow people to connect to their workplaces, to the internet or e-mail, no matter where they are.

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Better management of post-operative pain

Νοε 15, 2013 20:50

An EU initiative has developed registry-based tools to help doctors care for patients that experience pain as a result of surgery.

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Leveraging the nanoscale for greener lighting

Νοε 15, 2013 20:49

Making lighting greener is no easy feat, but researchers in Europe are showing the way forward.

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Better health-care provision via improved payment policies

Νοε 15, 2013 20:48

The assessment of patient payment policies is in need of systematic research and analysis. European researchers joined forces to increase relevant knowledge, focusing on mechanisms of official patient payments in Central and Eastern Europe.

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