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Metabolic diseases and lipid storage

Νοε 19, 2013 13:54

Metabolic overload is a serious problem in developed countries as it is associated with secondary problems, including obesity, type-2 diabetes and atherosclerosis. A European consortium worked to find associations with alterations in the lipid profile and also unravel the complex network of lipids, genes and proteins.

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Pioneering advanced fibre technologies for next-generation internet

Νοε 19, 2013 13:48

Researchers at EU-funded project MODE-GAP ('Multi-mode capacity enhancement with PBG fibre') are working to boost the internet's capacity by developing and testing advanced fibre technologies.

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A 'toolbox' for bone regeneration

Νοε 19, 2013 13:42

Regenerative medicine is a promising avenue for treating or repairing damaged tissues. A European consortium has decided to develop a 'toolbox' to engineer bone implants that can regenerate bone defects.

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Preeclampsia — elucidating role of adenosine

Νοε 19, 2013 13:41

Scientists investigated the expression of a hypoxia-associated molecule with elevated levels in a severe form of hypertension in pregnancy. Tests in cell and tissue cultures pointed to potential cellular mechanisms of reduced embryo growth.

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