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Keeping air flow over aircraft under control

Νοε 28, 2013 11:43

Scientists developed and tested novel technology for the active control of aircraft using pulsed jets of compressed air. The system actuator has no electrical or moving parts, and promises robust and effective modulation.

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Novel therapeutic targets for asthma

Νοε 28, 2013 11:41

Asthma is a significant source of morbidity worldwide and most often emerges during early childhood. A European study aimed to investigate the immune mechanisms driving asthma development by recapitulating the human asthmatic immune system in mouse models.

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Miniaturising air jet devices

Νοε 28, 2013 11:38

Scientists developed models enabling them to downscale an important flow control device, the synthetic jet, using microtechnology to increase flow velocity while decreasing weight. The technology has applications in aerospace, sensors and electronics.

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Applying food science where it's needed

Νοε 28, 2013 11:37

A network of EU science communicators is ensuring EU food research does the most good by reaching out to inform policymakers and students.

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