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The quest for a universal vaccine against influenza

Νοε 28, 2013 13:40

Seasonal influenza occurs all over the world with an annual global attack rate estimated at 5 – 10% in adults and 20 – 30% in children, and causes about three to five million cases of severe illness and 250,000 to 500,000 deaths. The most effective way to prevent the disease or severe outcome is vaccination. However, due to the unpredictable and highly mutable nature of the influenza virus, current vaccines only offer limited protection against new variants and need to be administered annually.

Where and how do plant roots take up water?

Νοε 28, 2013 13:39

Root water uptake is a dynamic process that involves complex interactions among atmosphere, plants and soil. Despite its importance in plant and soil sciences, there is little knowledge on the location and way water flows along plant roots. To answer this question, a group of researchers have measured in situ the local flow of water into roots of lupin plants. By using neutron radiography at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), they could trace the transport of deuterated water (D2O) in the roots of the plants, which were grown in aluminium containers filled with sandy soil.

Air quality models: new health prevention tools

Νοε 28, 2013 13:38

We are all exposed to polluted air. Among main air pollutants are nitrogen oxides—the so-called ‘NOx ‘— and ozone, which cause irritation of respiratory tract and eyes, favouring cough, lung infections in children and asthma. As for particles emitted by transports, heating or agriculture, there is a real concern for what are referred to as ‘PM 2.5’—which is short for particles 2.5 millionths of a meter in diameter. Indeed, their small size allows them to penetrate deeply into the lungs. They can reach as far as the blood circulation system, thus enhancing cardiovascular risk.

How market expansion is impacting social citizenship

Νοε 28, 2013 13:37

A group of researchers have explored how growing economic efficiency and innovation can be used to manage economic uncertainty in Europe. Labour market and social policy researchers focused on uncertainty in labour markets across a wide range of policy areas.

Further information:


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