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Discovering the full potential of the epigenome

Νοε 29, 2013 20:00

An EU-funded project is continuing to investigate the full potential of the epigenome, a cell's record of signal changes in gene expression. Using a systems biology approach, the research is highly relevant to the aetiology of many diseases.

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Techniques to elucidate hepatitis C virus recombination and packaging mechanism

Νοε 29, 2013 19:59

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is the leading cause of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular cancer with over 150 million people infected globally. Currently, no vaccine exists and treatment involves administration of a cocktail of antibiotics with limited efficacy and adverse side-effects.

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Self-enforcing wireless networks

Νοε 29, 2013 19:57

Collaboration between American and Italian researchers is applying game theory to wireless networks. The concept of cooperative relaying promises more efficient, responsive and cheaper-to-maintain communication infrastructure.

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Lightweight and cost-effective solar energy collection

Νοε 29, 2013 19:56

Harnessing the Sun's energy may soon be less expensive and more attractive thanks to lightweight solar collectors. Lighter weight implies lower energy consumption for moving and positioning solar collectors, tipping the energy balance in favour of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP).

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