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Evaluating the toxicity of nanoparticles used in medical diagnostics

Νοε 29, 2013 20:04

Scientists developed alternative testing strategies to assess the nanotoxicity of materials used in medical diagnostics. Enhanced understanding of the cellular mechanisms of toxicity will also support informed legislation and regulation.

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Boosting sustainable use of regional biomass resources

Νοε 29, 2013 20:03

Five rural regions with extensive biomass resources increased cooperation in the field of research and innovation activities and boosted biomass business competitiveness. The project strengthened regional biomass research and innovation capacities and competence and encouraged investment in biomass energy use.

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Long-range sensing for rock and earth movements

Νοε 29, 2013 20:02

Landslides are natural hazards that globally kill or injure a large number of people every year. European research is developing a novel monitoring system for areas at geographic risk.

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A localised approach to pain management

Νοε 29, 2013 20:01

A European research project is developing a novel concept for targeted drug delivery into neuronal and cancer cells. Targeted delivery of local anaesthetics will diminish inflammatory, post-operative and neuropathic pain.

Further information:


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