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The global carbon picture

Δεκ 02, 2013 14:03

Today, countries use a wide variety of methods to monitor the carbon cycle. It is, however, difficult to compare data from country to country and thus produce a clear global picture.

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Optimally utilising tea's beneficial by-products

Δεκ 02, 2013 14:02

Black tea is associated with beneficial antibacterial, antioxidant and even anticancer activities. Turkish scientists are now developing methods to sustainably extract bioactive ingredients from tea by-products.

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Optimally utilising tea's beneficial by-products

Δεκ 02, 2013 14:02

Black tea is associated with beneficial antibacterial, antioxidant and even anticancer activities. Turkish scientists are now developing methods to sustainably extract bioactive ingredients from tea by-products.

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The role of sulphide in the immune system

Δεκ 02, 2013 14:00

The therapeutic potential of hydrogen sulphide, especially as an anti-inflammatory drug, represents a multi-billion euro business with many clinical trials in progress. A European study is investigating the sulphide mode of action as a means of assessing its toxic health effects.

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