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17–19/06/2020 - "The 2020 Gratitude Network Fellowship" (USA)

Ιουλ 23, 2019 14:31

The 2020 Gratitude Network Fellowship
17–19/06/2020 – California, USA

The Gratitude Network is creating an incredible network of empowered leaders of scaling social impact organizations that impact the lives of under-served children and youth globally. Through this Fellowship, we provide leadership development that leads to organizational transformation. We engage Coaches and Expert Advisors to enable Social Entrepreneurs to scale their organizations to impact more children. They also bring together these social impact change-makers in person and virtually to learn and grow from one another. The network effect accelerates change – leaders learn from and thrive on each other within the network.

further details: 17–19/06/2020 - "The 2020 Gratitude Network Fellowship" (USA)

Training program: "Young people on the way" in Italy

Ιουλ 22, 2019 09:09

Training program: "Young people on the way"
07-11/09/2019 /Ovindoli, Italy

"Young people on the way"" is a 5-day (+2 travel days) youth exchange that will bring together 37 youth people from 6 different

Objective of the exchange is to develop projects and actions aimed to the tourist development of our mountain areas. The Abruzzo, a green region of Italy, is unique from the point of view of the naturalistic environmental values where the quality of life
and traditions are present and shared.

Workshop: "Grant Acquisition – How to Produce a Winning Proposal" in Germany

Ιουλ 19, 2019 11:14

Workshop: "Grant Acquisition – How to Produce a Winning Proposal"
5 December 2019 | Hamburg, Germany

More and more researchers need to raise money for their research projects. But where to find funding bodies and how to convince them?

This workshop provides an overview about main funding schemes and a chance to learn the practical skills in putting a winning proposal together.

03-07/12/2019 - Youth@Work: Youth Entrepreneurship Conference (Turkey)

Ιουλ 19, 2019 10:58

Conference – Symposium - Forum
3-7 December 2019 | Mersin, Turkey

This cross-sectoral conference will build on the outcomes of the YOUTH@WORK kick off conference zooming on the opportunities and challenges surrounding youth entrepreneurship.

The emphasis of the conference will be on the cooperation between formal and non-formal (youth work) education providers, employment, social & business sectors, (social) entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders. It will showcase achievements, recommendations, good practices as well as future plans inspired by the outcomes of the conference to be taken up by the Youth@Work Partnership.

Further details: 3-7/12/2019 - Youth@Work: Youth Entrepreneurship Conference (Turkey)


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