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11-07-2013 Workshop Successful International Project Management Advanced (Germany)

Απρ 30, 2013 09:45

The training centre (FTU) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) offers a workshop on Advanced International Project Management in Karlsruhe on 11- 12 July 2013.
International project management skills are fundamental to research managers, administrators, scientists and engineers in charge of international projects. This two-day course delivers advanced tools and techniques that support you to run complex projects smoother in an international environment. All course topics are illustrated with examples, templates, and graphs.

Participants are welcome to discuss their own projects. An additional focus will be on funded research projects such as FP7, CENTRAL EUROPE, SOUTH EAST EUROPE, CIP, IEEA, Mobility, and other international programmes.

“Successful International Project Management II” is an invitation to participants to listen, network, experience, and apply all the offered techniques in many exercises and case studies in order to improve their own project work.

More details can be found at the following link:

09-07-2013 Financial Management of FP7 Projects (Germany)

Απρ 30, 2013 09:42

The training centre (FTU) of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) offers a workshop “Financial Management in FP7 Projects” in Karlsruhe on 09 - 10 July 2013.
The financial guidelines for EU-funded research projects in FP7 cover everything from eligible costs to interest earned on advance payments, from payment terms to penalties, from subcontracting to social costs. The workshop covers the financial management aspects of a FP7 project in all phases of the project – from the preparation of the proposal to the final audit after the end of the project. Participants get a complete overview of the financial rules and regulations of EU projects and learn how to implement them in a correct and efficient way.

More details can be found at the following link:

R&D Building Workshop (United Kingdom)

Απρ 23, 2013 12:48

This workshop will held discussion within the field of materials in energy efficiency in transports.
This workshop will aim to build sustainable cross border partnerships between academic and industrial partners within the field of materials in energy efficiency in transports. Attendees will hear from key industry speakers and have the opportunity to participate in face to face meetings with UK and French universities and research centres on chosen thematic areas during the ‘R&D Dating’ session.

More details can be found at the following link:

7-5-2013 Conference "EUROFOODCHEM XVII" (Turkey)

Απρ 23, 2013 12:32

A conference entitled 'EUROFOODCHEM XVII' will be held from 7 to 10 May 2013 in Istanbul, Turkey.

The conference will bring together various stakeholders and researchers to discuss state-of-the-art knowledge and applications in food chemistry and complementary disciplines. The conference will foster networking and collaboration among participants to advance knowledge and identify major trends in the field.

More details can be found at the following link:


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