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16/09/2019 - Micro-nano technologies for integrated microscopy (Belgrad, Serbia)

Μάιος 16, 2019 15:28

Join the public workshop "Micro-nano technologies for integrated microscopy" on September 16, 2019 during the MCM Multinational Congress on Microscopy in Belgrad.

Further details:
16/09/2019 - Micro-nano technologies for integrated microscopy (Belgrad, Serbia)

Workshop: "Solar energy for a circular economy" in Belgium

Μάιος 16, 2019 15:24

SUNRISE is preparing a large-scale research initiative in the field of artificial photosynthesis as a sustainable alternative to the fossil-based, energy-intensive production of fuels and base chemicals. The energy required will be provided by sunlight. The Stakeholder Workshop, taking place during the EU Sustainable Energy Week, will open the floor for supporters to provide feedback on the S&T roadmap and governance of the future large-scale initiative and feature high-level speakers.

11/06/2019 - H2020 ICT Info Day (Νice, France)

Μάιος 16, 2019 15:13

The ICT National Contact Points and the Région SUD Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, with the support of Université Côte d'Azur, Métropole Nice Côte d'Azur, the SCS Cluster and Enterprise Europe Network France Méditerranée organize an Information Day dedicated to ICT in the European framework programme for research and innovation, Horizon2020.

Further details:
11/06/2019 - H2020 ICT Info Day (Νice, France)


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