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In with antennas, out with cables

The pretty designer lamp on the table is meant to add charm to the room. If only the annoying cord wasn’t there, then you could also put the lamp in the center of the table when it suited you. In future, you will be able to do just that thanks to SUPA Wireless technology. SUPA stands for Smart Universal Power Antenna, and the technology removes the need for electric cables, whether for lamps, laptops or smartphones. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems ENAS have developed SUPA Wireless together with colleagues at the University of Paderborn and four medium-sized technology companies. “Without cables, you can put your lamps anywhere you like on the table – and they look better to boot,” says Dr. Christian Hedayat, department head at Fraunhofer ENAS in Paderborn.

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Τρί, 04/02/2025 - 18:40
