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Harmonising chemicals regulation for consumer safety

Thousands of chemicals are on the worldwide market without appropriate classification. An ambitious partnership of American, Asian and European experts is establishing the global foundations for risk-based management.

Global trade and varying methods of testing and classifying chemicals have resulted in a growing amount of unsafe products on the market, highlighting the need for uniform classification criteria that protect human health. The EU is working on a transition from the current Classification and Labelling (C&L) system to the Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS), which itself is in harmony with the EU's REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) regulation.

The EU-funded 'Risk-based management of chemicals and products in a circular economy at a global scale' (Riskcycle) project seeks to highlight research needs and alternative testing methods. It builds on the expertise of partners from international regulatory organisations and from America, Asia and Europe.

Riskcycle is focused on the effects of five selected additives in six sectors –textiles, electronics, plastics, leather, paper and lubricants – and on their behaviour during recycling. A database of substance properties can be found on the website ( Results on production, usage and environmental occurrence have been published as the first part of a book. Results regarding risk-based assessment and global management strategies will be published in the second part of the same book. All other reports have been made available on the project homepage (

Riskcycle also delivered a list of strategy recommendations based on identified gaps. Among these were lack of a common database of additives in waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), limited efficiency and emissions data regarding recycling processes, as well as the need to establish the link between emissions and impact of a substance.

More details can be found at the following link:

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