The EU is very active in funding interventions in developing countries in the specific area of health. To improve the efficiency of EU-funded programmes and projects in this field, a collaborative project is developing new approaches to monitoring and evaluation (M&E).
The EVAL-Health project, financed under the EU's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), is a research and development (R&D) initiative working to develop novel methodologies and tools relevant to the health sector. These will be used to assess the impact of two types of aid modalities: general and sector budget support, and research projects.
The three-year collaborative project began by identifying best practices in the M&E of aid from major international donors and agencies in the field. It also analysed their impact on health issues. The objective was to obtain more comprehensive insight into EU-funded bilateral interventions in the health sector. These activities resulted in a document being produced on best practices and recommendations from the M&E of the health impact of projects and programmes in developing countries.
The findings were used to develop specific methodological models and tools for the M&E of the impact of EU-funded bilateral interventions. This was done with a view to testing, in the field and through case studies, the suitability and applicability of the developed methodologies. A working document was then developed that summarises the EU's methodologies on the M&E of health aid provided to developing countries.
More details can be found at the following link: