Research is needed to address management of the Baltic Sea in the face of increasing human activities and environmental pressures. The good news is that millions of euros have been allocated to this vital cause.
The 'Multilateral call for research projects within the Joint Baltic Sea Research Programme BONUS+' (BONUS+) project is one of the ways the EU is securing a better future for its only inland sea. It forms part of Bonus-169, the Joint Baltic Sea Research Programme, which aims to implement ecosystem-based management of the Baltic Sea through scientific research. Incorporating the European Commission's marine policies and strategies, the initiative aims to reduce pollution, protect resources and tackle climate change while ensuring sustainable socioeconomic development.
To date, 16 projects from over 100 cooperating research institutes have been funded by BONUS+ to a value of EUR 22 million. Transnational, collaborative projects were chosen to encourage the sharing of resources and data.
More details can be found at the following link: