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24-04-2013 10th International Conference on Modelling and Measurement in Medicine and Biology (Hungary)

The 10th International Conference on Modelling and Measurement in Medicine and Biology will take place from 24 to 26 April 2013 in Budapest, Hungary.

Advances in medical and biological technology are transforming medical care and treatment; in part, due to the interaction and collaboration between medical sciences and engineering. This has resulted in substantial progress in health care and in the quality of life of the population.

Computer models in particular have been increasingly successful in simulating biological phenomena. These are lending support to many applications, including cardiovascular systems, the study of orthopaedics, biomechanics and electrical simulation amongst others

The aim of this conference is to discuss the interaction and complementing aspects of computational methods and measurements. Topics will cover a broad spectrum including the simulation of biomedical problems, ranging from cardiovascular modelling to virtual reality and simulation in surgery.

More details can be found at the following link:

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