A pan-European strategy and platform is being implemented for translational cancer research. With 25 % of all deaths in the EU resulting from cancer, combating this disease more effectively has become a top priority.
In the field of cancer research, Europe has the building blocks to convert scientific discoveries and inventions into innovative products and services. However, the fragmentation and duplication of research efforts is strongly impairing the implementation of new discoveries in clinical applications.
To overcome this inefficient use of resources, the 'ERA-NET on translational cancer research' (Transcan) project was set up. Funded by the EU, the project is a part of the ERA-NET programme, which focuses on collaborative research projects across Europe. The Transcan project has a network of 25 partners from 19 European and associated countries.
The main objective of the Transcan project is to coordinate the activities of the national and regional funding organisations for translational cancer research. Through the integration of basic, clinical and epidemiological cancer research, the project's ultimate aim is to streamline EU-wide cancer diagnosis, treatment and care.
More details can be found at the following link: http://cordis.europa.eu/fetch?CALLER=OFFR_TM_EN&ACTION=D&RCN=10904