The Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation (ALF) offers grants to civil society organisations to support initiatives for intercultural dialogue. The annual call is focused on thematic issues in line with each years priorities.
The Anna Lindh Foundation functions as a network of 42 national networks.
The aim of the Foundations Calls for projects proposals is to bring people together and promote respect for diversity, and better understanding and mutual recognition through inter-cultural dialogue.
ALF will award projects focusing on the Strategic Fields of Action, which are:
- Culture and Creativity
- Education and Intercultural Learning
- Urban spaces and Citizenship
- Media and Public Opinion
Overall Objective:
- Promote intercultural dialogue, through community mobilization and participation and supporting the implementation of civil society's initiatives.
Main target groups:
- civil society actors at large,
- NGOs,
- CSOs,
- government institutions/authorities,
- religious representatives,
- local media,
- civil society/community leaders,
- opinion makers and local public figures
- youth
- women
Projects should be built upon a 1+1 partnership formula with at least one partner from a Southern Mediterranean country and at least one partner from a European country.
Priority will be given to projects including the involvement/participation of:
- civil society actors acting as multipliers;
- discriminated social groups and individuals as the most vulnerable component of the society;
- minorities as they enrich the social and cultural diversity and represent a human bridge among the cultures in the region;
- local stakeholders having an incidence on the social context where the project is implemented.
Deadline 15 April 2013
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