Training Course: "Youth@Work NOT «doing social business as usual»"
11-16 July 2022 | Athens, Greece
Main objectives:
Creating new visions of the world which brings motivation and direction to our actions.
Exploring and learning from already existing alternative solutions.
Preparing actions which will bring us closer to the vision of the world we want to live in.
Additional objectives:
Developing skills of critical thinking, individual and collective envisioning, creating and implementing social actions and equipping youth workers with tools which help them develop those skills with young people
Promoting existing alternative solutions in fields of communication, education, business, agriculture, etc, showing that an alternative world is not only possible, but till some extend it’s already there
Bringing back hope and motivation, often quenched due to the pandemic and its consequences
Reenforcing the bonding among partner organizations, creating long term collaboration plans based on the shared vision of the world we will create during this project
Refreshing youth work approaches and techniques to embrace a wider perspective
-Involving young people into collective dreaming, supporting them by giving tools to define their dreams, goals and directions
Evaluating tools (with focus on critical thinking as well as individual and collective envisioning) used during the training and improving them for further use after the project ends, with next target groups