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15/1/2013 - IDEX Accelerator Fellowship Program is Accepting Applications

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, 15 Ιανουάριος, 2013


The mission of the IDEX Accelerator is to identify, train and retain a pipeline of experienced practitioners for the social enterprise sector. IDEX achieves this goal by identifying the common thread between local and global fellows- the appreciation for social innovation and passion for social impact.


The ideal candidate has

• Bachelor or Masters Degree (Bachelor degree must be obtained prior to June 1).
• 1-3 years of work experience. (Work experience is defined as cumulative time worked in a job, internship program, fellowship and/or volunteer program.)
• Track record of leadership responsibilities.
• A passion and desire to work in emerging markets and use social enterprise principles to solve global issues.
• An ability to quickly adapt and work in resource constrained environments.
• Desire to engage in an intense professional development experience while applying creative solutions to deepen impact.

Program Description

IDEX Accelerator (IDEX) is a career launch-pad for aspiring social enterprise practitioners. The 6 month program offers intense field experience and leadership training curriculum that equips fellows with the equivalent of 2 years marketable work experience that’s relevant to social enterprise employers.

IDEX fellows gain hands-on experience addressing the needs of a growing enterprise while earning a Professional Certification in Social Enterprise from Monterey Institute of International Studies.

Application Deadline

January 15, 2013 at 12pm EST



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