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D-Prize Challenges

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, 1 Ιούνιος, 2020

D-Prize expands access to poverty-alleviation interventions in the developing world.

Many solutions to poverty already exist. The challenge is distributing these solutions to the people who need it most. Our programs produce new “distribution entrepreneurs” – social entrepreneurs who start new ventures that distribute proven life-enhancing technologies to millions of people living in extreme poverty.


Significantly increase access to life-enhancing technologies in the developing world – and prove an impact in a measurable way.
Encourage young entrepreneurs to focus their talent on the developing world, pilot new solutions to distribution problems, and launch new social ventures.
Encourage a global dialogue on the importance of leveraging distribution solutions for development. We believe the path to development is through solving distribution.

Further details:
D-Prize Challenges

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