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Advancing Development Goals International Contest 2020

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, 23 Μάρτιος, 2020

The 2020 Advancing Development Goals (ADG) International Contest for Graduate Students aims to present innovative and pragmatic solutions to address “The challenges of social inclusion”.

“Leave no one behind” is the central and transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda and the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. The inclusion of this principle intends to “ensure that the 2030 goals are achieved by all segments of society and that those furthest behind will be reached first”. In order to achieve social inclusion, and to empower poor and marginalized people, it is timely to have a call for innovative and cross-cutting proposals for mechanisms such as socially inclusive growth and development, education, creation of decent jobs, community driven resilience development, access to technology and democratization.

Below are some pressing issues and challenges related to social inclusion:

Education and Training
Financial Inclusion
Social and Political Inclusion
Gender Equality
Community Driven Resilience Development
Inclusive Health Systems and the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities
Infrastructures, New Technologies and Digital Inclusion
There is a pivotal need for an interdisciplinary approach in confronting this global issue. Solutions to this pressing challenge should come from a broad scope of participation in various areas.

Hence we welcome students from diverse academic backgrounds to present their ideas and proposals to tackle the issue of social inclusion.

Further details:
Advancing Development Goals International Contest 2020

Αφορά σε Φορέα Ε.Ε.: 


Επαγγελματική Συμβουλευτική

Συγγραφή Βιογραφικού
Σύνταξη Επιχειρηματικού Σχεδίου

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