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The Fishbowl Challenge: Product and Business Planning Competition 2019

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, 10 Οκτώβριος, 2019

The Fishbowl Challenge is a global collaborative entrepreneurial and business case competition designed for university students across the world.

The competition is open to both students who already have their own ideas and fit the entrepreneur persona as well as students who do not have their own idea but have demonstrated interest in any of their shortlisted problem areas and have the problem-solving skills needed to work with like-minded peers towards a solution.

There will be three rounds of increasing selectivity and exposure to world-class mentors with industry experience who will provide support and guidance to teams along the way. The final round of the competition will be an all-expense-paid final in London over the summer. The winning team will earn a stipend to flesh out their idea and a shot at seed funding to fully realize their venture.

Further details:
The Fishbowl Challenge: Product and Business Planning Competition 2019

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