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Training Course: "How to design a successful proposal" in Italy

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, 3 Σεπτέμβριος, 2019

Training Course: "How to design a successful proposal" in Italy
11-12/09/2019 / Torino, Italy

This training course will provide guidance on how to design successful proposals for all ERC Strands (Consolidator, Starting, Advanced and Synergy). Particular attention will be paid to the Strand(s) that participants will indicate as most relevant to them.

During the course, ERC submission forms will be analyzed, practical advice will be given and where possible examples of appropriate answers to the forms’ questions, taken from ERC funded projects, will be examined: thus, by the end of the course participants will be familiar with basic project design principles and will have at their disposal materials they can easily tailor to the features of their proposal.

Training Course: "How to design a successful proposal" in Italy

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