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Nokia Open Innovation Challenge 2019

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, 30 Ιούνιος, 2019

Nokia Open Innovation Challenge offers the opportunity for the bright minded companies to propose the best-in-class products and solutions within the Industrial Automation domain to international jury. The jury will then select the most advanced and innovative candidates to attend the final event in November held at Nokia headquarters. In the final event, these finalists will present their innovative products or solutions to the executive level jury who will then select the winners.​

Products and solutions within the Industrial Automation domain.
The program is looking for innovations which may already be established, but will reach new heights of interest within the industry given the right support from Nokia; or innovations which are totally new ideas and concepts, but might need some tuning to fit the requirements of potential customers. ​
Strive to have an innovative mindset. Big innovations have been done and developed when people have looked beyond the obvious. Think big and out of the box.

Further details:
Nokia Open Innovation Challenge 2019

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