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Radical Innovation Award 2019 Competition

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, 3 Απρίλιος, 2019

Radical Innovation, which challenges designers, architects, hoteliers and students to pioneer compelling ideas in travel and hospitality, is now accepting entries to its annual competition.

New in 2019, the competition will distinguish between built and unbuilt projects, in addition to honoring a select individual who challenges the hospitality community through the art of invention with the Innovator Award.

Finalists will be flown to New York City to compete in a live event held in fall 2019, where they will present their ideas. Audience members vote to determine the grand-prize winner, who takes home a $10,000 prize. The runner-up receives a $5,000 prize. The specific location of this event will be announced later in 2019.

The student winner, who is determined prior to the event by the jury, will earn a $1,500 prize and be invited to apply for a graduate assistantship in the Masters of Architecture program at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. The total two-year value is estimated at over $50,000. The awarding of funds will be based on certain prerequisites that must be carried out by the potential recipient. Radical Innovation has sent two students to this graduate program with one, Yasmine Soliman graduating in Spring of 2019.

Further details:
Radical Innovation Award 2019 Competition

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