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IMPACT Growth Hacking Accelerator in Vienna

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, 5 Δεκέμβριος, 2018

IMPACT Growth Hacking Accelerator launches in Vienna: Hackabu helps social impact startups to make the world a better place – at high speed

Οne of Europe’s leading growth hacking company Hackabu is launching a new growth hacking accelerator program for social impact startups that aim to make the world a better place. IMPACT, so the name of the accelerator program, will support selected startups with a team of dedicated experts in all aspects of growth-hacking, education on how to attract the right investors as well as connection to impact ecosystem players and impact investors. The whole program is absolutely free of charge and equity free. Startups interested in taking part in the first batch starting in February can apply now on, applications will be accepted until December 5th.

Smart, cost-effective tactics which help companies reach their growth goals faster, are the core task of growth hacking. Especially for startups, growth is an important figure when it comes to investment readiness.

IMPACT – the accelerator program by the growth hacking company Hackabu, which is based in Vienna helps social impact startups to expand their reach by growing their KPIs, and to bring their ideas to a wider audience so they can accelerate their impact.

“In light of the amount of current global issues, investing in social impact is more important than ever. In our case, we want to invest our biggest assets – our knowledge and our expertise – to help these startups grow exponentially,” says Sasha Lipman, Head of IMPACT, the social impact accelerator by Hackabu.

12 Weeks, 12 Experts, 12 Investors

"Accelerate your social impact venture to make the world a better place" is the slogan of IMPACT, the 12 weeks accelerator program, which gives selected social impact startups the amazing opportunity to work on their ideas with a team of 12 growth hacking experts as well as other mentors. Participating startups will also get connections to decision-makers in the domestic impact startup ecosystem as well as to an international network of potential investors. The main goal of the programme is to help changemakers grow massively and expand the reach of their impact.
Together with its leading partner Heartbeats Innovation and Communication Hackabu now invites all qualified startups to join the first batch starting in February 2019. A prerequisite for participation is an existing prototype or MVP and the solution of a social problem as a core business. Application deadline is December 5th. Participation at IMPACT is free of charge and equity. Further strategic partners for Hackabu’s IMPACT accelerator are aaia – Austrian Angels Association, Reiter PR, Dealmatrix and Vienna Business Agency. Application:

Related link:

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