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Training Course “Project management and financial reporting of ERC and Marie Curie Actions” (Turin, 12th-13th September 2018)

This course is the second module of a training course divided into two parts, entirely dedicated to the Marie Curie Actions. The first module, scheduled for 11th September 2018, focuses on how to build successful project proposals, while the second one, scheduled for 12th-13th September 2018, is dedicated to project management and financial reporting. It is possible to register for both courses (benefiting from a discounted rate) or to attend only one of the two modules.
Training Course “Project management and financial reporting of ERC and Marie Curie Actions” (Turin, 12th-13th September 2018) © EU CORE Consulting
This course aims at analysing and discussing solutions to the main problems related to the administrative management and financial reporting of ERC and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, both funded in the framework of the Excellent Science pillar of Horizon 2020.
The course will analyse in particular fiscal, social security and contractual issues, providing participants with the key notions to effectively manage such projects.

• Introduction to ERC and Marie Curie Actions
• Contents of the Model Grant Agreement
• Good practices for preparing employment contracts with researchers
• Tips and hints for successful grant management
• Financial reporting
• Project technical reporting
• Fiscal issues: VAT, direct and indirect taxation
• Social security issues
• Accounting records, cost recording

The course specifically addresses the needs of professionals and project managers involved in the management and financial reporting of Marie Curie and ERC Actions. The course will help participants to effectively manage projects, with examples and practical suggestions to further develop their internal management strategies. It can also provide a useful opportunity for networking and sharing good practices.

THE COURSE WILL BE HELD IN ITALIAN. Courses can also be offered in English on demand.

Date: Wednesday 12th September 2018 (from 09:00 to 17:30) - Thursday 13th September 2018 (from 09:00 to 17:00)

COURSE FEE: See below; the amounts will be VAT charged unless exemption. It is possible to benefit from a special rate for the registration of two or more people from the same Department/Office and/or together with the registration for the course "Marie Curie Actions, with particular reference to Innovative Training Networks (ITN) Call". The fee includes tuition, full documentation (both in printed and electronic format), course certificate, coffee breaks and lunches.

1) “Marie Curie Actions, with particular reference to Innovative Training Networks (ITN) Call”
Single tariff 1 Participant: € 700
Single tariff for 2 or more participants: € 600

2) “Project management and financial reporting of ERC and Marie Curie Actions”
Single tariff 1 Participant: € 1,100
Single tariff for 2 or more participants: € 1,000

Both courses 1) and 2)
Single tariff 1 Participant: € 1,500
Single tariff for 2 or more participants: € 1,400

COURSE VENUE: EU CORE Consulting - Via Santa Teresa 15, first floor, 10121 Torino.
How to reach us:

Deadline for registration: 5th September 2018

For further information, detailed agenda and registration form, please refer to our website:

Related link:

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