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Katapult Accelerator Program for Tech Start-ups 2018

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, 21 Μάιος, 2018

Katapult Accelerator Program for Tech Start-ups 2018
Deadline: 21 May 2018
Open to: tech start-ups around the world
Awards: USD 150,000 + benefits


There is no shortage of talent out there but in many cases, they lack the proper support needed to bring their dreams to life. So, they’re creating the ultimate platform to turn the passion of talented founders like you into something great. Knowing that founder can learn more effectively with proper mentorship and deep access to industry experts, and they need the right software tools to grow. They also know this talent lies in every corner of the globe, so they’re agnostic about where you call home.

Focus Areas

Environmental Domains

Clean Energy;
Resource Efficiency;
Smart Cities;
Circular Economy;
Ocean & Land Use;

Societal Domains

Food & Water;
Diversity, Inclusion and Democracy;
Thriving Societies & Collaboration;

Exponential Technologies



Tech start-ups around the world.


You’ll receive up to 150,000 USD investment into your company;
3-Month fast paced, hands-on program to help scale your business;
Access to a global network of leading thematic mentors;
Dedicated expertise to unleash potential of AI in your business;
Investment into your company as part of the accelerator program;
Access to further capital and investors to support your company;

How to Apply?

In order to apply fill the application form.

For more information please visit the official website.

Related link:

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