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Training Course on “The Consortium Agreement and Intellectual Property Rights management”

This training course will provide guidance on elaboration of the Consortium Agreement and of other contracts between H2020 project beneficiaries, with a specific focus on the EU legal framework and on contractual aspects related to IPR.
This course is the second module of a training course divided into two parts. The first module, scheduled for 23rd May 2018, focuses on the new privacy regulation and the obligations deriving from them for the beneficiaries of the Community programmes, while the second one, scheduled for 24th and 25th May 2018, is dedicated to the analysis of the Consortium Agreement and the Intellectual Property management in Horizon 2020. It is possible to register for both courses (benefiting from a discounted rate) or to attend only one of the two modules.

The following topics will be covered during the course:

− Grant Agreement and contracts between beneficiaries
− Definition and features of the CA;
− Check-list on and structure of the CA;
− Updating of the Grant Agreement (GA) and relationship between GA and CA;
− Drafting of the CA and Subjects in the CA;
− Comment on the main clauses and parts of the CA: preamble, operational provisions, financial provisions, discipline of intellectual property, general and final clauses
− Withdrawal from the CA, termination of the CA, sanctions
− Other contracts between beneficiaries: CA draft versions, secrecy agreement, material transfer agreement
− Discipline of intellectual property
− IPR rules in EU Framework Programmes; introduction and definitions, differences between FP7 and H2020;
− Property, protection, use of and access to results;
− Use of and access to Background;
− The new discipline of Open Access.

The course specifically addresses the needs of professionals and project managers involved in the management of H2020 actions. The course will help participants to effectively analyze the features of contracts between beneficiaries, to elaborate and manage such contracts with due attention to the EU legal framework and to IPR issues. It can also provide a useful opportunity for networking and sharing good practices.

THE COURSE WILL BE HELD IN ITALIAN. Courses can also be offered in English on demand.

Dates: Thursday 24th May (from 9 a.m. to 17.30 p.m.); Friday 25th May (from 9 a.m. to 13.15 p.m.).

Venue: EU CORE Consulting (Via Santa Teresa 15, building A, first floor, 10121 Torino -

Course fee: See below; the amounts will be VAT charged unless exemption ex art. 14 l. 537/1993. It is possible to benefit from a special rate for the registration of two or more people from the same Department/Office and/or together with the registration for the course "Personal data protection and participation in the European Union programs". The fee includes tuition, full documentation (both in printed and electronic format), course certificate, coffee breaks and lunches.

1) Personal data protection and participation in the European Union programmes
Single tariff 1 Participant: € 700
Single tariff for 2 or more participants: € 600

2) The Consortium Agreement and the Intellectual Property management in Horizon 2020 projects
Single tariff 1 Participant: € 900
Single tariff for 2 or more participants: € 800

Both courses 1) and 2)
Single tariff 1 Participant: € 1,300
Single tariff for 2 or more participants: € 1,200

For further information, detailed agenda and registration form, please refer to our website:

Related link:

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