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2nd Call for Good practices of the European Network of Innovation for Inclusion

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, 16 Ιούλιος, 2018

European Network of Innovation for Inclusion has opened its 2nd CALL FOR GOOD PRACTICES.

The call has two categories:

People over 45 years old
Young people

One winner and two finalists will be selected in each category, those member entities will be invited (assuming the network all costs) to:

The European event on October the 3rd in Madrid where the awards ceremony will take place.
Participate in the study visit to the winner entity of the corresponding category.
Be part of the working groups for the design of projects for European calls.
The winner entities will receive a management fee that would cover the arrangement of the study visit.

Related link:
2nd Call for Good practices of the European Network of Innovation for Inclusion

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