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Harrington Scholar-Innovator Program

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, 10 Μάιος, 2018

Harrington Scholar-Innovator Program

2019 Application Guidelines

New This Year: LOI’s will NOT be solicited.

Deadline for Full Application: May 10, 2018 at 11:59 PM EDT.

The Harrington Scholar-Innovator Award recognizes physician-scientist innovators throughout the U.S. whose research has the potential to advance the standard of care. The Scholar-Innovator Award provides research and drug development funding as well as non-financial support to selected scholars and their institutions to help bridge the gap between basic discovery and clinical introduction.

Up to 12 Harrington Scholar-Innovator Awards will be made each year. Awardees are selected by the Institute’s Scientific Advisory Board.

Multi-Level Support for Award Recipients

Harrington Discovery Institute is committed to providing Scholar-Innovator awardees with a full
level of support, including:

$100,000 guaranteed; opportunity to qualify for up to $700,000
Drug development and project management support through the Harrington
Discovery Institute's Innovation Support Center

Support for Harrington Scholars includes:

Consulting services from highly experienced drug development personnel
Business and commercialization advice
Clinical development advice
Regulatory assistance
IP review and advice
Assistance identifying and securing additional financial support based on project needs

What We Fund

The Harrington Scholar-Innovator Award selection committee seeks breakthrough discovery
defined by innovation, creativity, and potential clinical impact including:

Discoveries deemed to address unmet medical needs
Novel targets
Potential to be developed into a commercial program
Possess intellectual property (IP) or protection strategy
May be either a small molecule, biologic, or other therapeutic modality
Diagnostics or devices only acceptable as part of a therapeutic development project or if
completely transformative


LOI's will NOT be solicited.
Full Application deadline: May 10, 2018, 11:59 PM EDT

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Award, an applicant must meet the following requirements:

Be a physician-scientist, MD or MD/PhD, at an accredited, U.S.-based research
institution or medical center
Focus of project includes fundamental discovery (elucidation of novel targets and leads) or development of new drugs or biologics or drug-device combinations.

Submission Process

All applications must be submitted online at

Further information:

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