This course aims at providing tools for finding and successfully participating in calls for proposals in the field of social sciences and humanities. The eligibility criteria of each funding opportunity and the structure of proposal forms will be illustrated; besides, practical advice will be given to elaborate successful proposals. A complete dossier in electronic and paper format will also be provided, with complete details on each funding programme.
This course will deal mainly with the following programmes:
Horizon 2020:
- Excellent Science Pillar: ERC and Marie Curie Actions
- Societal Challenges Pillar, with particular attention to topics in the thematic area “Europe in a changing world”
- Funding opportunities within “Science with and for Society”
- Funding opportunities within “Spreading excellence and widening Participation”
- COST (Programme for European Cooperation in Science and Technology)
- EaSI, with particular attention to the PROGRESS axis
- Creative Europe, with particular reference to the Culture sub-programme;
- Europe for Citizens Programme
- DG Justice Programmes, in particular: “Justice Programme” and “Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme”
- Other initiatives, such as Joint Programming Initiatives, Pilot Projects and Preparatory Actions
- Funding opportunities within 2014-2020 European Territorial Cooperation Programmes.
The course addresses the needs expressed by personnel of universities, public and private research centres, enterprises and public authorities, as well as individual researchers interested in submitting project proposals in field of social sciences and humanities. The course can be an effective tool to help participants to successfully design projects, as well as to further develop their internal project management strategies. It can also provide a good opportunity to network and to share good practices.
THE COURSE WILL BE HELD IN ITALIAN. Courses can also be offered in English on demand.
DATES: Thursday 25 January (from 09:00 to 18:00), Friday 26 January (from 09:00 to 13:00).
COURSE FEE: € 450 + VAT.
In all cases, the fee includes tuition, documentation (both in printed and electronic format), certificate, morning coffees and lunch.
COURSE VENUE: EU CORE Consulting (Via Santa Teresa 15, Scala A, primo piano – 10121 Torino)
For further information, detailed agenda and registration form, please refer to our website:
Related link: