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14/11/2017 - NearUS - Focus Group (Brussels, Belgium)

The NearUS initiative is establishing a Network of European Research and Innovation Centres throughout the United States. It acts as a central contact point for European research and innovation actors seeking to grow and reinforce collaboration across the Atlantic. The mission of the Network is to provide standardised as well as tailor-made, research & innovation internationalisation support services to European researchers and innovators,
The NearUS initiative is establishing a Network of European Research and Innovation Centres throughout the United States. It acts as a central contact point for European research and innovation actors seeking to grow and reinforce collaboration across the Atlantic. The mission of the Network is to provide standardised as well as tailor-made, research & innovation internationalisation support services to European researchers and innovators, to accelerate access to the US market, and maximise chances of success.

In order to ensure that the support services it offers meet the real and unmet needs of European researchers and innovators, NearUS is convening a Focus Group of stakeholders represent the three commercially viable technology maturity levels addressed by NearUS: Research2Research (R2R), Research2Market (R2M) and Business2Business (B2B).

Agenda of the day
09.00 - 09.30 Registration & Welcome Coffee
09.30 - 09.50 Welcome and Introduction to NearUS
09.50 - 10.00 Ice Breaker
10.00 - 10.15 Recap of Objectives and Format of the Focus Groups
10.15 - 12.00 Parallel Focus Groups
Business oriented Service Providers and Users
Research oriented Service Providers and Users
12.00 - 12.30 Closing Plenary with Feedback from Parallel Sessions
12.30 - 13.30 Networking Lunch


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