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02/10/2017 - Beyond Austerity: Workshop on the growth prospects of the Greek Economy (Αθήνα)

Beyond Austerity: Reforming the Greek Economy
A workshop on the growth prospects of the Greek Economy

Date: Monday, 2 October 2017
Time: 15.00-20.15
Venue: French Institute Athens,Theo Aggelopoulos Auditorium, Sina 31

A conference organised by Costas Meghir (Yale), Christopher A.Pissarides (LSE), Dimitri Vayanos (LSE), Nikos Vettas (AUEB& IOBE)
On the occasion of the publication of the book Beyond Austerity: Reforming the Greek Economy, MIT Press, September 2017

Click here for the programme
To confirm your participation please register by completing the Registration Form

For more information:| Tel.: 0030 210 9211 200 - 0030 210 9211 233

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