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You want to find R&D partners easily and for free? Try the unique platform Labs Explorer.

Labs Explorer is a specialized search engine with more than 100 000 referenced labs. It is designed to find R&D partners for free, to help labs showcase their expertise and to sell their services.

Due to high pressure on high-tech markets, R&D collaborations have become a critical issue for innovation. For instance, the Horizon 2020 European programme urges interdisciplinary collaborations and partnerships between private and academic labs. "The problem is that finding relevant labs in fields you don't know about is extremely time-consuming or overly expensive," notes Stephane Tholander, founder of Labs Explorer. "We believe that it is now necessary to provide the R&D community with a free search engine to look for partners."

Search for R&D partners for free
The success of R&D collaborations stems from finding consistent partners, which is often tedious. Labs Explorer offers a new alternative that is simple and accessible. Labs Explorer is a platform comprised of all types of R&D labs. It already assembles more than 100 000 labs from private and academic organisations in Europe and beyond. For a wide range of expertise, the search engine delivers an instant and relevant list of labs. Access to the search engine is free and does not require a loggin nor registration.

Provide labs with visibility
Labs Explorer invites researchers to manage their lab's page. They can list their collaborations, their scientific publications and their contract services, in order for visitors to have an overview of activities carried out by the lab. In particular, labs may find alternative sources of financing by selling products (ex: cell strain, materials), offering access time to machines (ex: calculators, MRIs) or services (ex: image analysis, consultancy). As Labs Explorer offers an R&D-specific environment, labs are visible on their distinct expertise.


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