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Oppla, a virtual platform for operationalisation of nature-based solutions

Oppla is a new knowledge marketplace; a place where the latest thinking on nature-based solutions is brought together from across Europe. Oppla will provide a platform for collaboration between communities of science, policy and practice – matching the knowledge of experts with the needs of practitioners through an innovative new ‘question and answer’ service: Ask Oppla.
Oppla aims to provide a virtual hub where the latest thinking on natural capital, ecosystem services and nature-based solutions is brought together from across Europe. The web portal will provide access to a wide range of resources, drawn from the most innovative communities of science, policy and practice.

The purpose of Oppla is simple: to enable people of all levels of knowledge to find useful advice, tools and techniques as quickly and easily as possible. The platform currently features a crowd-sourced enquiry service, Ask Oppla – the facility to have your questions answered by other members of the Oppla community.

An online marketplace is currently in development where tools, data and services can be advertised and obtained – creating opportunities for collaboration between different sectors and disciplines. The finished platform will also feature a community matchmaking service, helping users find new clients, contractors and partners. The Oppla web portal will be complemented by events, training courses and other offline services on demand.

Oppla has ambition to grow into Europe’s foremost portal for sharing environmental knowledge, providing access to information hosted on other platforms. It offers opportunity for early members to become part of a growing community at the cutting-edge of research, with huge potential to collaborate and inform best practice in better managing our environment.

Over 60 universities, research institutes, agencies and enterprises are currently developing the Oppla prototype as part of a joint activity between the OPERAs and OpenNESS projects, in which Tecnalia is involved, funded by the European Commission FP7 Programme.

The full Oppla platform will be launching in January 2017. Register for updates at


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