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The European Coordination Hub for Open Robotics Development (ECHORD++) displays seven research projects at Automatica 2016

Munich, 21 June 2016. What does it take to bring robots from the lab to the market? According to the EU-funded project ECHORD++ it’s a close collaboration of industry and academia, a good sense of the user’s needs and, of course, money for research and development. At Automatica, seven research projects funded under the umbrella of ECHORD++ will present the results of their work. ECHORD++ will showcase projects from various fields in which robotic aid can soon be implemented.

In the agricultural field, the corn planting and cloud controlled swarm robots MARS (Mobile Agricultural Robot Swarms) will be displayed, as well as the green asparagus harvesting robot GARotics, which is a major step towards the introduction of autonomous harvesting aids. Another robotic project suited for outdoor operation is MODUL (Modular Drive Units for Legged Locomotion) with its SEA (series elastic actuation) unit, a modular motor for certain robot parts. The motor will be demonstrated within a four-legged transporter.

In an industrial manufacturing environment, the multi modal tactile sensor pickit, which can be attached to any gripper, will make bin-picking faster, more precise and more reliable.

Flooring Fellow’s task will be to assist construction workers in removing grout after tiling and decrease their risk of an electrical shock as well as the level of noise exposure.

One of the ECHORD++ Experiments in the health care sector is EXOTrainer, an Exoskeleton, which will help maintaining the physical state of children with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). The rehabilitation robot MOTORE++ is intended to restore the upper limb functionality, for example for patients affected by a stroke.

Best Picture Award 2016

The ECHORD++ experiment teams have submitted pictures of their projects. The best picture will be awarded a beam+ telepresence robot. The winners will be announced on Thursday, 23rd at 5 p.m. at the ECHORD++ booth.
Press representatives are welcome to attend the ceremony for drinks, snacks and to ask questions.

About ECHORD++ (The European Coordination Hub for Open Robotics Development)

The aim of ECHORD++ is to strengthen the knowledge transfer between scientific research, industry and users in robotics and to stimulate their cooperation. The EU-funded project with a runtime of five years (2013 – 2018) funds small-scale research projects called experiments, Public end-user Driven Technological Innovation (PDTI) and established Robotics Innovation Facilities (RIFs), open labs providing state-of-the-art robotic hardware and software as well as scientific and technical support. For further information, please visit


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