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CEWAS Call for Ideas 2016

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, 15 Μάιος, 2016

Call 2016

Wanted: Innovative ideas and business models!

If you have an idea that you think can make a valuable contribution to achieving global access to clean water, sanitation, and energy for the poor, we would like to hear about it!

Your idea may relate to any of the following fields of action:

Community & capacity development
Training & coaching
Consulting, design & engineering
Contracting & building
Supplying & dealing
Service provision

The award

The cewas Call for Ideas 2016 honours the most promising, interesting and creative idea in sanitation, water and resource management for the poor. The winner will secure CHF 5.000 start-up capital, as well as a sponsored place in the cewas start-up programme 2016/17, where she or he will be able to put the idea into practice (value CHF 5.000).

Get involved

All you need to do is simply send us the completed application form by midnight on Sunday 15 May 2016. If your idea fits the criteria and is selected among the finalists, we’ll invite you to

the (optional) coaching day on 26 May 2016 in Willisau, Switzerland, to prepare you for the jury presentation
the jury presentation on 9 June 2016 in Willisau, Switzerland.

Please find the annoucment for the competition, as well as the eligibility criteria for participation below. If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Announcement cewas Call for Ideas 2016

Eligibility Criteria


Related link:


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