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European IPR Helpdesk releases animated video clip

Short video highlights importance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and explains how Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) as well as researchers may benefit from the free-of-charge IP support offered by the European IPR Helpdesk team

Every year April 26 marks the international "World Intellectual Property Day", which raises awareness of the role intellectual property rights such as copyright, patents or design play in fostering innovations around the globe.

Just in time for this year's World IP Day the European IPR Helpdesk has released a short, entertaining animated video highlighting the importance of IP and explaining how SMEs and researchers may benefit from the varied service portfolio offered by the Helpdesk team. You may watch the video on the European IPR Helpdesk's website:

Organisations providing innovation and/or IP support in Europe that are interested in using the clip on their own online channels to spread the word about IP, may get in touch with the European IPR Helpdesk's communications team at:

About the European IPR Helpdesk
The European IPR Helpdesk, funded under the Horizon 2020 programme (Grant Agreement No 641474), is a service initiative that supports cross-border SME and research activities to manage, diffuse and valorise technologies and other Intellectual Property (IP) Rights and IP assets at an EU level. Offering a broad range of informative material, a Helpline service for direct IP support and on-site and online training, the European IPR Helpdesk's main goal is to support IP capacity building along the full scale of IP practices: from awareness to strategic use and successful exploitation. This IP competencies empowerment focuses on EU SMEs, participants and candidates in EU-funded projects, and EU innovation stakeholders for an increased diffusion of IP into the EU innovation ecosystem.


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