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Sport Innovation Startup Competition

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Παρασκευή, 20 Μάιος, 2016

Patras Science Park is proud to announce the “Global Sport Innovation” International Startup competition. The aim is to bring together bright young entrepreneurs, researchers and students focusing on building innovative products and technologies, that will disrupt the world of sports as we know it (IoT, wearables, swimming, running technologies, APP’s, medical equipment, etc).

The competition will take place in Rio de Janeiro, in the midst of 2016 Olympic Games. 10 innovative startups, each carefully selected to represent a different country, will make it to the finals after going through a rigorous selection and preparation process.

Participating startups will get the opportunity to pitch their ventures before a grant audience comprised of top VCs, angel investors, accelerators, corporate partners and most importantly key players and influential figures from the sports industry.

Are you an innovative startup or research team related to sport innovation? Apply now

The competition is organized by EMGI Israel ( and HYPE foundation

Patras Science Park, a leading technology business incubator in Greece, has granted the honor to organize one of the 8 “Regional Competitions” with the final ceremony award to be held in Patras in June 2016. Winning startups and youth teams will receive an intensive international acceleration and training program. This initiative of Patras Science Park, aims to advance regional technology ecosystem, establish a new business mindset through global teaching process and developing methods.

Related link:


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