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21-24/07/2016 - 2nd Europe Lab (Croatia)

The EU-Russia Civil Society Forum invites young professionals aged between 25 and 35 from the EU, Russia, and other European states to apply for the 2nd edition of the “Europe Lab” Forum, a successor format of the “Pilorama Lab” Project held at the Memorial Centre of the History of Political Repressions “Perm 36” (Russia).

Forum for Young Professionals “Europe Lab” is a unique communication and exchange platform for change makers from all over Europe working in public administration, business, NGOs, universities, think tanks, and other fields of professional engagement.

“Europe Lab” will take place on 21–24 July 2016 in Croatia – Zagreb and Vukovar – with an excursion to the local Memorial Centre of the Homeland War, which keeps memory of all the victims of the Homeland War in former Yugoslavia (1991-1995) and of the Battle of Vukovar (1991) – as a place of mourning and warning for future generations not to repeat fatal faults and atrocities of the past.

The programme of “Europe Lab” 2016 includes four workshops:

Wars After 1989 – Is There a Chance for Reconciliation?
Brave New Media – A Jilted Generation;
Refugees (Un)Welcome – Caught in a Trafficking Jam;
Social Entrepreneurship – Rooted in Community.

Deadline Application: 01-05-2016

Read more:
21-24/07/2016 - 2nd Europe Lab (Croatia)

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