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Pitching competition day

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, 28 Μάρτιος, 2016

The University of New York in Prague (UNYP), in co-operation with Maastricht School of Management (MSM) Romania and Venture Growth Partners (VGP), is organizing a pitching competition day at the UNYP premises in Londynska 41, Prague 2, on Friday April 8.

The pitching contest is open to any team of alumni or students from either UNYP or MSM Romania which will submit an original, disruptive and quickly scalable business opportunity, supported by market research, a basic business plan and ideally some prototyping by Monday March 28.

Shortlisted teams will be invited to pitch their idea in front of a VGP-led investor panel in the morning of Friday April 8 and the successful, most convincing teams may attract an angel equity investment of up to $50,000. Shortlisted teams not based in Prague will have the opportunity to present to the panel via an online link.

Don’t miss the opportunity to bounce your business idea off of professional investors and kick-start your entrepreneurial dream or simply have the opportunity to hone your skills in business opportunity identification, analysis, and business casing.

more info here

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