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Perstorp Focused Innovation Challenge

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, 2 Δεκέμβριος, 2015

Perstorp Focused Innovation Challenge

Deadline: 2 December 2015
Open to: university students and professionals worldwide
Prize: 40,000 SEK (approx. EUR 4,300)


Identify a challenge you think could arise in the next coming 40 years and build a solution using Capa™ Thermoplastics. Perstorp is inviting students and professionals worldwide to the Focused Innovation Challenge. Participants will get the chance to use their creativity and ingenuity to solve a problem of the future using Perstorp’s unique Capa™ Thermoplastics technology. The innovation that impresses the distinguished panel of judges will be rewarded with a substantial cash prize and opportunity to get support for developing their idea from Perstorp.


Open to university students and professionals worldwide that want to make their mark on the future using Capa™ Thermoplastics. Participants can enter individually or in teams of two.


First Prize

The winner will present their submission at K-Fair, the world’s largest plastics convention, in October 2016 in Dusseldorf, Germany, entrance fee, travel and accommodation to be paid by Perstor;
A personal senior Perstorp mentor for one year;
Cash prize 40,000 SEK (approx. EUR 4,300).

Finalist Prizes

Three finalists will present their concepts to the jury and to Perstorp senior management, in February 2016; travel and accommodation to be paid by Perstorp;
All three finalists will receive Capa™ material for prototyping;
Support from Perstorp senior experts until a winner is chosen.

How to apply?

You can submit your innovation and get access to detailed instructions online for free HERE.

For further information please visit the official website.

Read more:


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