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European Economic and Social Committee Civil Society Prize 2015

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, 10 Σεπτέμβριος, 2015

European Economic and Social Committee Civil Society Prize 2015

Reference: EU0010000494

European Economic and Social Committee

Next deadline: 2015-09-10

The European Economic and Social Committee rewards excellence in civil society initiatives through its annual Civil Society Prize.

The theme of the 2015 prize is: "Combating poverty".

The aim of the 2015 prize is to reward and encourage concrete initiatives and achievements of civil society organisations and/or individuals which have significantly contributed to promoting European identity and integration.

The overall objective of the prize is to raise awareness of the contribution civil society organisations and/or individuals can make to the creation of a European identity and citizenship in a way that underpins the common values that shore up European integration.

Eligible initiatives should focus on
- social support, housing, education and health;
- in-work poverty;
- energy poverty;
- child poverty;
- homelessness;
- financial exclusion and over-indebtedness;
- cooperation with public authorities.

The EESC Civil Society Prize is open to civil society organisations, established within the European Union, and acting at local, national, regional or European level.
Candidates for the prize (both organisations and individuals) have to be nominated by:
? one or several members of the European Economic and Social Committee; or
? one or several national Economic and Social Councils (ESCs) or similar institutions; or
? one or several European civil society organisations and networks.

European civil society organisations and individuals are not allowed to nominate themselves.
Applications sent directly to the EESC will not be considered.

1st: 14.000 Euros
2nd 9.000 Euros
3rd 9.000 Euros
4th 9.000 Euros
5th 9.000 Euros

Deadline: 10 September 2015.

Find out more here.

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