The pilot project(s) aim at:
a) providing critical analyses of the bio-ecological, fisheries, technical, legal, economic and organizational matters at stake for an effective interplay between nature conservation and sustainable exploitation of the marine resources in line with the maximum sustainable yield objectives while taking into account knowledge about the interactions between fish stocks, fisheries and marine ecosystems.
The pilot projects will serve, in particular, to test and demonstrate possible bio-economic usefulness of networks of marine protected areas for the management and enhancement of sustainable fisheries with a view to harvesting marine biological resources at exploitation rates which contribute to restoring and/or maintaining populations of
harvested stocks above levels which can produce the maximum sustainable yield. This approach will also contribute to understanding effects on other marine ecosystems components within MPAs, in support of balanced management options;
b) identifying possible technical/governance solutions to establishing adequate networks of MPAs in support of the MSY objectives of the CFP while corroborating the MSFD's objectives related to MPAs and GES in the Mediterranean;
c) developing a participatory conservation which supports bottom-up approaches to fisheries conservation and management, with a view to feed into the regionalised processes on conservation measures under the CFP.
For the purpose of this Call each sub-regional pilot project must be organised in a Partnership and involve scientific institutes or bodies and relevant stakeholders, including fishermen's cooperatives/associations, environmental organizations and representatives of bodies/entities directly implicated with the governance and management of fisheries