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20-22/10/2015 - ICT 2015 – Innovate, Connect, Transform (Lisbon, Portugal)

Call for applications for Students, Young Researchers and Innovators – ICT 2015

Deadline: 31 May 2015
Open to: motivated and engaged students, young researchers and innovators in the area of ICT
Venue: 20 – 22 October 2015, Lisbon, Portugal


ICT 2015 – Innovate, Connect, Transform offers to 40 of the most outstanding students, researchers and innovators from a country and university entitled to receive EU funding within the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, the opportunity to:

participate in the conference and join the debates in ICT of specific interest to the young generation;
join the networking sessions and talk with ICT enthusiasts coming from research, politics, industry, start-ups, investors, and academia;
conduct interviews and communicate with the world through social media;
discover what Europe does to boost innovation, and play an important role in selecting and awarding the best exhibition stands.
facilitated exchanges and mentoring meetings with experienced researchers, policymakers and entrepreneurs;
demonstration of ongoing ICT research projects, initiatives and activities;
online and remote engagement via the ICT2015 online platform, Twitter and the network of young students, researchers and innovators;

Students, researchers & innovators will be able to interact, communicate, participate and discuss at the ICT 2015 event. They will be grouped based on their background and interests. Each group will be given different tasks to perform during the event. Some examples are:

Interviewing participants – this can range from researchers, ICT professionals, industry representatives, policy makers and more;
Actively participating in the conference and/or networking sessions;
Reflecting on the EU’s ICT policies (Are major issues properly addressed? Where should the EU do more? What could be done differently?);
Reporting on the conference/ networking sessions and other organized events during ICT 2015 (e.g. by writing a blog post or a report that will then be published on the website);
Identifying EU-funded ICT projects that are relevant for students and their studies but also for young researchers & innovators;
Making use of social media to share with the world the impressions of the event (blog, tweet, hackathon, post updates on FB, or simply using the medium that suits best);
Selecting the best Exhibition stands that will then be awarded;

Applicants must satisfy the following criteria:

Age: up to 30 years old;
Be a national of an EU Member State or one of the associated countries of the Horizon 2020 programme;
Have at least secondary school level (if young innovator);
Be enrolled at a university/research institute based in the EU or one of the associated countries and/or a strong interest in ICT;
Good command/proficient in spoken and written English;


The European Commission will cover the travel and accommodation costs (flights or train tickets within Europe and accommodation in a nearby hotel) for the chosen participants. Entrance, food and drinks at the event are free.
How to apply?

For the application please register online HERE by 31 May 2015. Please note that motivation will be the main factor that will determine whether an applicant will be selected or not. Based on that, the selection board will try to put together a group of people with the utmost variety of interests and skills, so that ICT can be highlighted from as many angles as possible. This means that a secondary school level student will have as much chance of being selected as a PhD student, since they both would offer a different yet valuable view on ICT-related matters and issues.

For more information please check the official website or Guide for Students, Young Researchers and Innovators.

Read more:

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Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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Τρί, 04/02/2025 - 18:40
